Born With It

How do you know?That you're "Born with it"? are you sure you're in the right place doing the right thing?

Every man is born with a reason.Fate, God, Destiny, Karma whatever you please to call it, has ONE, just ONE particular role in this gigantic, colossal Universe for you to play. Which only you, and no one else but you have to enact.
Then all of a sudden,you decide to do something completely random and obviously different from what life had kept for you.(With your conscience vigorously knocking on that door ) But alas!your mind is made and you decide to spend the rest of your life doing accounts when you had to be that guy on the talk show, captivating people with your exceptional oratory skills.(and that chap was to be a lawyer, who in turn was to be an accountant, and a far better one at that).
So what happens next? Does a burning meteor, destined for Earth, collide with us with utmost ferocity and erase all mankind? If so, we should have been dead, long gone. But that certainly didn’t happen.
My version is, life probably comes to a standstill, because that mystical power (the guys I referred to in the second line), has to create an all new you, to complete that one job you were supposed to do, as it HAD to be done. And it’s going to take another 25 years approximately for that new version of you to grow up and take a decision on what role he shall play. And God forbid! (I never said I was atheist) he makes the wrong choice again,.. Well Mr. Mystic-Powers definitely has patience, a lot of it.

"If you lose your's like your broken.”
Brian Selznick, The Invention of Hugo Cabret

So stop making hasty decisions on what your life shall be, there’s a reason you live longer than roaches or birds, you have time. Time gives you a chance to think, (now it isn’t all that evil),to try everything you possibly CAN before zeroing on one.
The ONE thing you were born to do. What made Steve Jobs, Milton Hershey, Walt Disney, what they were? The fact that they successfully found out what they were made to do, No matter how different it might be. Now if we were to be born similar we would have the same faces too, why even identical twins are at times so different from each other.
Identify, No matter how long it takes, Identify what your role is. And when you get that gut feeling, not the hunger pangs, the euphoria-tic feeling on just thinking of it, RISK IT. Give it all you got. And probably you’ll end up being, satisfied. More than anything else. No fruit as sweet as that of satisfaction.
No matter how small your role might be, it is never Insignificant. Like Hugo says-

“I like to imagine that the world is one big machine. You know, machines never have any extra parts. They have the exact number and type of parts they need. So I figure if the entire world is a big machine, I have to be here for some reason. And that means you have to be here for some reason, too.”
Brian Selznick, The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Every man for a purpose.


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